Kollywood Heartthrob R Madhavan, who began his Bollywood career as a lover boy in "Rahna Hai Tere Dil Mein," needs to benefit to the romantic genre after exploring numerous characters in the Hindi layer industry."I have not done many romantic films. My characters in "Guru" and "Rang De Basanti" were different still they had a romantic trace. It seems the people like me in those romantic tracks. So I view of burden an out and out romantic mist," the actor, who was in the resources to promote his supernatural thriller "13B," told reporters in an interview.
With his dimpled smirk and boyish charm, Madhavan has earned an aura of romantic hero despite portraying different characters in Hindi and Tamil cinema. Nevertheless the actor is selective when it comes to charm up new projects in Bollywood."I am drawn to the stories which are different and have something new. For me the script is most important criteria while selecting a mist," Madhavan said. He is chronic in a prime character in Bollywood after a long time with "13B," a supernatural thriller which revolves around a focus class family and their television set.
Madhavan said he took up the scheme because it had an intriguing theme and is quicker to the current realities than other supernatural thrillers. "13b" stars Neetu Chandra, Sachin Khedekar, Murli Sharma, Poonam Dhillon in key roles along with Madhavan.
The South Indian actor, who received serious acclaim for his supporting roles in "Guru" and "Mumbai Meri Jaan" is doing a supernatural thriller for the first time. Directed by Vikram K Kumar the layer is simultaneously releasing in Tamil
as "Yavarum Nalam" on March 6.
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